Monday, December 25, 2006

We've Moved~

It shouldn't come as much of a surprise to you.. especially since my blog has been almost out of action for such a loooonnng time.

Yes, we've moved (We meaning the blog and I.. keke). Had problems with blogger last time and just wasn't able to rectify it. Hence came the drastic measure of moving all my entries over to livejournal. It's simpler over there; no fancy html codes to decorate the page, nothing you can do to change the font size or font and others but I welcome the simplicity. After all, it's one of the goals that I'm setting for myself in the coming new year - to lead a simple life, away from complications and confusion. Or at least, that's what I plan to do for the rest of my life. ;p

If you're still interested in my entries, feel free to drop by Nothing much has changed; still the same old narcisstic me telling the entire world what I did and how I felt today (or yesterday) =p

Merry X'mas to all and have a Happy 2007. =)
